The Oscar nominations were just announced and I must say... they didn't fuck it up. As a matter of fact this is probably the best list of nominations I've seen in a long time. I won't go into huge detail of who and what got nominated, for that you can click here, but I will breakdown some of the things I liked, and obviously disliked, about this years list.
LIKED - Tom Hardy getting a Best Supporting Actor nomination - Ridley Scott not getting a Best Director nomination - The Best Actor category is perfect - Sly Stallone receiving a Best Supporting Actor nomination - 'Straight Outta Compton' receiving a Best Original Screenplay nomination - 'Mad Max: Fury Road' getting as many nominations as it did DISLIKED - 'Ex Machina' was not one of the Best Picture nominees - Not enough 'Sicario' nominations - No Aaron Sorkin for Best Screenwriter - No 'Star Wars' for Best Picture (for ratings) - Lady Gaga getting a Best Song nomination So there you have it 6 to 5 in favour of the LIKED category. Not bad. Stay tuned to this blog for my official predictions that'll come closer to the event. I still hope to go see many of the nominated pictures and performances. Until then, you should treat yourself by going to your local theatre to check out one of the nominated films. I promise you won't be disappointed. Unless you're going to see CAROL. That was pretty terrible.
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