Let me start by saying I'm an Apple fanboy, but I'm also open to change. And if something came along that I perceived as being superior, I would hop ship. That being said, the announcement today of Samsung's newest Android based Galaxy S5 didn't do it for me. At all.
It does come with some impressive tech however. Like the fingerprint scanner, heart rate monitor, and apparently the device is both water and dust proof. Cool. But not cool enough. I'm sure some Samsung fanboys will lineup to purchase this device, but just because they're fanboys. Once a year Samsung does update their flagship phone, and typically it makes me jealous in some way. For instance screen size. I truly wish Apple's iPhone would have a larger screen. Rumours are that their newest device, or devices, may have larger screen options, but those are just rumours. I guess if I were to pick a single thing I would most want from the new Samsung Galaxy S5 phone it's the heart rate monitor. I mean being waterproof is cool, but how often do you pick your phone out of a toilet? Wait, don't answer that. Admit it though, having a permanent heart rate monitor would alert you before having a heart-attack, and possibly save your life, and if that's not cool I don't know what is. Wait, I know what's not cool... the viral video of you produced in public while you alert everyone around you you're about to have a heart-attack! Don't you just love technology!
As a writer today, technology has allowed me to work in ways writers years back couldn't imagine. The tools have vastly improved, but the process of writing has not. You still have to sit down in front of your computer, or your pad of paper, and write. Someone much wiser than me once said, and I use this phrase often; "I hate writing, but I love having written."
Enter an app called Penultimate. It's for the iPad, and since my iPad was originally purchased to be a productivity device, I thought I'd give it a shot. And it didn't take long for me to figure out it's wonderful! I've also recently purchased a stylus pen, and I must say the two pair wonderfully together. The smoothness and responsiveness are spot on, but the best part... it syncs with Evernote. If you're a writer you've surely heard of Evernote. If not just click here and download it FREE to all your devices right now! You can't call yourself a serious writer without Evernote. Seriously. Penultimate is great for jotting down ideas, sketches, storyboarding and just about anything else that requires visual representation. I can't draw worth beans, but find myself easily amused attempting to sketch using this app. Probably because it's so simple to erase and correct your mistakes! The apps that keep coming out are insane. They get bigger and better everyday. It's actually scary, but sometimes wish I had the ability to write apps. I bow to those able to do so. But hey if you so happen to be one of these app-creators, I'm about to give you your next million dollar idea, and at no-charge! Create an app that writes stories for writers. All they would have to do is ingest story points, characters, settings and any other crucial story element. That's it. That's my app idea because after all, the hardest part about writing is actually sitting down and writing. |